Friday, August 2, 2013

Confusing Valentine's Day (February 2001 - 7th Grade)

[Try to keep up.  For references of who people are, please refer to this previous blog entry.]

February 14, 2001
     Guess what happened in youth group tonight?  [I was going to St. Matthews, a local Catholic church, on Wednesday nights.  Not for any spiritual reasons, but just to see my friends.  I was such a heathen.]  I brought Miley with me, and when we got there, she said "hi" to all her friends.  Then, when we were in prayer, she told me that she wanted a guy to go out with her that loved her, not just one who'll say, "Whatever" and diss her off.  [Seems like a reasonable request...]  
     Well, anyway, then she told me to ask Jeremy  if he liked her and stuff, so I did.  [Jeremy was this guy I had "gone out with" in elementary school for over a year, even though we never held hands and we only went on one date with his dad and his best friend who I sat in between during the movie; I talked to his best friend more than him!]  He said, "Yeah, I kinda do; maybe," so I told her.  Then, she was all, "Well, ask him if he has a gf and if he would go out with me if I asked him."  He said sure.  So I went back and forth between them until he finally asked her out.  She said yes!  [I'm such a good friend.]
     Then, they were like holding hands after church was over.  When Emily found out that Jeremy and Miley were going out, she was all, "I don't want them to, because I don't want her to hurt him" and junk.  Then, without my knowledge, Miley told Craig I liked him, and asked if he would go out with me.  [Okay, so after Jeremy broke up with me in elementary school because he liked someone else, I "went out with" his best friend, Craig, to get back at him.  He ended up getting a new best friend, and Craig and I ended up dating until elementary school ended.  We broke up because we were going to different middle schools and didn't want to be tied down.]  As Jeremy and Craig left, Craig gave a thumbs up sign to Miley, THEN she decided she would tell me, and I was mad, confused, and scared. 
     I was mad that she was trying to hook me and Craig up when she had said she wanted Franky and me to go out.  [For information on who Franky is, refer to this post.]  I was confused, because I like Franky, Craig, Manny, Josh, Jeremy, and Steven (<kinda), and I don't know who I like most.  [My best friend in high school used to joke that my love life was like the Barnum and Bailey Circus. haha]  Steven is definitely out, because too many people would kick my butt to have him.  [It's true; he was a player, like I said.]  I was scared, because I'm going out with someone, and I've never even kissed a guy, but I don't want anyone to know. 
     Tomorrow, Miley is supposed to call me, and she's supposed to call Jeremy; then I'm supposed to call Craig, and we're supposed to do a 4-way call!  Whew!  My hand is tired!  [You're not the only one who's tired.]  More later!

February 15, 2001
     Today in school was fun.  Not much happened, except for a killer Geography test on South America.  I thought I was gonna die!  [Spoiler alert: I didn't.]
     Anyway, when I got home after school, I waited for Miley to call me, then I called her and her mom said she would be back at around 6.  So I talked to Erika for like an hour, and then Miley called me.  Then we called Craig, and I broke up with him [less than 24 hours; that's a new record], because Tessa told Miley she wanted to go out with him.  
     The rest of the night was a whole bunch of 3-way calls: we called Josh and he wasn't there; we called Jeremy (and the line was either busy or there was no one home); we called Franky, and he said I looked sweet and was pretty; we called Manny who told Miley he didn't like me [surely I got the picture after this rejection!]; and we called Zeke who wasn't home. [Zeke was kind of a nerd.  I mean, he wore chapstick on a string around his neck and played bassoon in the orchestra.  There was just something about him, though...]  
     My mom got pretty mad at me for staying on the phone so long.  Oh well.  I think she has a death wish for Miley.  Oh well. 

[And the plot thickens.  For those of you who are wondering, yes, "Miley" is the same girl as "J.M." from this entry.  I was friends with her before all of that went down.]

La Historia del Julio (Fall 2000 - 7th Grade)

[I am obsessed with Sweet Valley High right now.  Only slightly though.  Don't judge me.  So I might be renaming characters from my journal entries after them.]

     August 27, 2000
     I am very frustrated this year.  Things have changed on the bus and in school, too.  All my classes seem unfamiliar [that's because they are, duh!], and the the only classes I can relax in are Chorus and Math.  Oh, woe is me!  [Let me tell you, the weight of the world is only my shoulders here...]  Plus, Casper won't even talk to me unless Malia is there.  [That's because he liked Malia, not me.  I should have seen the writing on the wall.]  No bf either, and no candidate for one.  [That changed soon, though.  Probably the next day.]

September 25, 2000
     I do like someone, but he's not a choice for bf, because he's in average classes.  [Obviously, because I'm so selective...]  I have something REALLY important to write, but I have to tell you AFTER I get a shower.  [On the edge of my seat here.]
     Okay, I got a shower and cleaned up my room...sorta.  I feel much better now!  Anywayz, I had a really bad day today :'(  First of all, let me tell you about people in my story so far this year:

Steven - Taran's bf now.  He's nice to girls, and tells jokes a lot (or tries to anyway).  Total player.
John - Steven's best friend.  Poser.  [In hindsight, there were a lot of guys named "John" in my middle school.]
Julio - the guy I like.  He's really sweet but really quiet, so I don't know much about him.  Plus he's in average classes...  [Two thoughts here - 1) the reason he was so quiet was because he didn't really know English, not because he was sweet; and 2) I think I was attracted to quiet, mysterious guys, because then I could imagine they were a lot nicer and more mature than they actually were.  Which, when you think about it, is stupid, and girls, you should never do it!]
Taran - I don't really know her anymore.  She hasn't talked to me in a LONG time.  Oh well.  I don't need her.  [I was obviously jealous of Taran, because I secretly liked Steven.  Just wait and see.]
Tasha - Taran's friend.  Really cool.  [She's not actually in the story anywhere; I just wanted to give her a shout out.]
Krista - Curses a lot.  Likes to make people feel bad.  I don't like her!  [Although in the previous entry, I had just stood with her in the lunch line and defended her against people bad-mouthing her.  Makes perfect sense...]
Laura - Funny, nice, and friendly.  A really good person to talk to.
Enid - Hyper, weird, pretty.  Sometimes I just can't figure her out!  [Sweet Valley nickname.  Although, this girl really did remind me of Enid.]
Winston & Manny - Immature boys.  [More SVH nicknames.  However, weren't all boys immature in middle school?  I don't know why I found them to be such massive exceptions.]
Ashley - I have no clue!  [That girl was craaaaazy.  Although, she's grown up to be a beautiful woman who just recently married a handsomely bearded man.  You go, girl.]
      Something really depressing happened to me today.  [I liked to use that word a lot.  It encompassed most of my tumultuous adolescent feelings.]  You see, Enid was going out with Manny, and Krista, Laura, and Ashley were all pressuring Enid to hold his hand and kiss him.  Finally, Enid got fed up, so she broke up with Manny.  They were so mad that they swore they wouldn't talk to Enid, and when Krista found out I was hanging out with Enid, she made Laura promise not to talk to me!  I was so depressed!  [See?  Told you.]  Hope I'm not so sad tomorrow.

October 3, 2000
     School sure does take it's toll on me.  [Hahaha, I have such a hard life apparently.]  I think I might need more attention and more friends now, because I'm in my teens, and I'm supposed to be independent and always doing stuff with my friends, but I'm not.  [Oh brother.]  I don't have a lot of friends in church [because I was going to a super-legalistic church in Haines City, and I think their parents told them to stay away because my parents were divorced.  Like it was contagious or something.]  I'm too square [i.e., conservative] for the "cusser gang" at school, but I don't fit in with the "Alpha" kids or the "fashion" club.  [Okay, alpha was the highest level of academic classes in middle school, kinda like AP classes in high school.  Then you had average classes (lowest level) and the advanced classes (the middle level, or the bourgeois).]  The fashion club is my name for Laura, Ashley, Krista, Winston, and Manny, because I don't know how else to describe them.  [And also because they were constantly dressed in Abercrombie or Aeropostale.]  
     Anyways, I need to do more stuff with my friends [want, not need, 12-year-old me], but if I tried to, then my mom might get really depressed [there's that word again], because I might always be asking to go places like my sisters do.  Mom gets mad when they do.
     I don't know what to do.  School has really changed a lot.  I told Tasha and Steven I like Julio, but I still haven't talked to him yet.  [He wouldn't be able to understand most of what I said, anyway.]  Steven and Tasha said I should, but I'm too shy to.  Also, Steven and Taran broke up.  He's going out with Amanda Keel.  I've been thinking about Josh a lot lately.  [Reminder - Josh is the guy I dated for a nanosecond in 6th grade.  We broke up because of his long arms.]  Not every second, but enough to where I know my heart is trying to tell me something.  Agggghhh!  [Because that's not overdramatic at all.]

October 9, 2000
     Okay, I can probably tell you about Julio now.  As you've probably already figured out, I have a little (try big) crush on Julio.  I've never really talked to him, but that's irrelevant right?  [In middle school, yes.  Always.] 
     Guess what?  Today in lunch, I sat with Tara because she really wanted me to.  She said that she's still hung up on Steven.  Aww, ain't that sweet?!  [Yeah, not jealous at all here.]  Anyways, Julio actually talks at the table now, but only a little.  I can't quite figure out if he likes me or not, but I really think he might.  He looks at me a lot and smiles, but he hasn't tried to talk to me yet. 
     On Sunday, I went to church with my mom.  I came home, and she told me to do my homework so we could go to Target.  I cleaned my room.  She told me to do my homework.  I vacuumed my room and cleaned out my fan.  She told me to do my homework.  I cleared off my sliding doors; she told me to do my homework.  We washed the dogs.  I taped the Sixth Sense.  [That was the only scary movie I would ever watch.]  She told me to do my homework.  I took a shower; she told me to do my homework.  I read, ate supper, and brushed my teeth.  She didn't say anything.  I did my homework.  Now my room is really clean, the dogs are washed, and my homework is done!  I don't know what the point of that was [me neither], but I do know I have a lot of homework to do tonight.  [How does that make sense?!]

October 24, 2000
     I'm sorry that I haven't written in awhile; it's just that I've been so busy lately.  I literally cannot think about anything but seeing Josh again.  I'm over Julio [how did that happen?!], over Casper [not], but still hooked on - you got it - Josh.  Where is he?!  [Probably at home being normal...unlike me.]
     I'm at school early so I can see Josh again.  Yesterday, my astrology said I would communicate with someone from an old relationship - Josh!  I didn't yesterday, but I hope to today.
     He never came.  Didn't see him in the halls either.  Oh well!  [And thus began my stalker days...not creepy at all.]

November 17, 2000
     I'm at a friend's house spending the night.  I'm sooo tired.  [Then why are you awake and writing in your diary??]  I still like Manny.  [Well, didn't see that one coming.]  On Thursday, I was sitting in front of Laura and Ashley in Math.  I was writing a note to them about whether or not I should tell him I like him, because I don't want to go out with anyone this year, because of what happened to me and Josh last year.  [Obviously, our break-up scarred me for life...?]  Plus, Manny is shorter than me, and he is really shy.  [Aha!  So the truth comes out!] 
     I am shy too, and even if we went out, we would probably just end up like Manny and Enid (being forced to hold hands in public and kiss, and then breaking up because of it, and never speaking to each other again).
     Anyway, so Manny saw part of the note and Ashley asked him something.  He said, "No" and his faced turned red.  Then Laura said, "Sure, that's what you said about Enid."  Then I asked Ashley what she said to him, and she said she had asked him if he wanted to go out with me.  Then I said, "Why did you ask him that?"  Ashley said he already knows I like him!  When I asked her how he knows that, she said that Laura told him.  But when I asked Laura, she swore she didn't.  [Oh, to get caught spilling your friend's secrets in middle school.  You will suffer a fate worse than death itself.]  Manny didn't talk to me at all the rest of the day.  Oh well.  There goes another potential husband down the tube.  [Goodness, I was so marriage-minded at such a young age! haha]
     I still like Manny, but I'm not gonna go out with him this year.  I think I'll wait.  [How I handle rejection - denial.]

[So there you have it.  The on-going drama of Josh, la historia del Julio, and my brief crush on Manny - who, fun fact, I went to elementary school with, and I'm pretty sure we might have been bf/gf for like a week sometime during then, back when I was shorter and less selective.]

Thursday, August 1, 2013

First Day of School - August 2000 (7th Grade)

     Sorry I haven't written in a long time, it's just that I have been really busy doing nothing.  [Because that makes sense.]  I know, I am so lazy.  I guess I've never realized the importance of a diary until now; but I would rather say "journal."  [I guess you also have never realized the proper ways to use a comma and semi-colon either...]  A diary sounds like something a prep would right in, and I am NOT a prep.
     Anyways, I have a lot to write about, but I need to do it soon, before I forget [apparently Alzheimer's does not only affect the older generation].  Mrs. Sims, my geography teacher, totally messed up our lunchtimes.  You see, we are usually supposed to go to Silent Reading after 3rd period, but we did NOT know that.  So instead, we went to Mrs. Sims after Mr. Huber.  [I'm failing to see how this mix-up is Mrs. Sims's fault at all.]  Mrs. Sims is a teacher I don't particularly like.  She is old, so she forgets a lot [rude!]; but there's just something about her no one likes.  [I am ashamed at how mean and critical I sound!]
     Anyways, we went to Mrs. Sims, who didn't know either, so we finally figured out what had happened, went downstairs, and I had to wait with Krista in line to pay our lunch money.  We were waiting next to the Dolphins, and one dolphin, Sarah, walked up to us.  [No, they were not actual dolphins.  Each grade level was divided into two teams, and the 7th grade teams were the dolphins and the sharks.  I was a shark...obvi.]
     "Some people are saying you think I'm a whore [though I spelled it "hore" in my youthful ignorance], and I just want you to know that whatever you want to say to me, you better say it to my face, you {insert not-nice word here}," Sarah said to Krista.  So the whole time Krista and I were in line, Sarah was up there w/ her friends from the Dolphins, and they were all talking about Krista.  And guess what, one of the people she was talking to was Josh L.!!  [He was this guy I "went out with" in sixth grade for about a week.  The reason I broke up with him was because he always walked down the stairs holding my hand so fast, I almost fell a couple of times.  In fact, one time, I think I did fall.  But I was too chicken to tell him he was the reason why.  So I broke up with him instead.  Wise decision on my part, I believe.]
     I was so mad at Josh for listening to all that, that I felt like saying some not-nice things to him, but I don't do that in public.  [So I guess I do it in private?  Weird.]  So I just talked to Krista who was very mad and confused because she didn't even know Sarah!  [Classic he-said, she-said.  So middle school.]
     After we paid our lunch, we had to eat with the sixth graders.  Uggh!  [A definite social "no-no" when you're in 7th grade, which is a whole year higher.]  That day was so messed up.  Plus, to add to my woes, neither Casper [actual nickname of a guy I liked] or Josh even talked to me!  [Hold up; wasn't I just talking about how rude he was for listening to smack about Krista?  I am/was so fickle.]
     Okay, I guess if I want to write about school, I should start soon.  Okay, I guess I'll start with first period.  [Genius, Chrissy.  Really.]
     Mrs. Johnson is my homeroom teacher this year.  She used to be the library assistant last year.  I think she's pretty, but a little overdone.  Her hair is a blondish color that is definitely not natural.  [I love how I described it as "a blondish color" instead of just straight-up saying blond. hahahaha]  She smiles a lot, and she is really nice.  In first period, we don't have to do anything.  [I'll bet you 50 cents that's why I liked her so much - no work in her class!  Woot!]
     Mrs. Brown is my Chorus (2nd period) teacher.  She sings really well, but she's not that good at playing the piano.  [Sounds like me!]  She really tries to, though.  [Oh wait, maybe not.]  She has an average height, and brown hair.  She is really easygoing and nice.  Mrs. Brown hardly ever pressures us to do something we don't want to do.  I really like her.  [I'm really bad at describing people and making them sound interesting.  Obviously.]
     Third Period.  Mr. Huber.  The only guy teacher I have this year.  He is really funny and really smart.  We do a lot of work in that class; of course, what do you expect in Science?  [Get ready for a really stupid 7th-grade argument about why Science sucks.  Feel free to scroll over it.]  That is probably man's most blinded subject.  I mean, they try to explain things logically and analitically [learn to spell, Acree], but some things are unexplainable [not a word].  I mean, it's good to try to explain some very important facts, but other things, like miricales [seriously?! Invest in a dictionary!!], are best left in the memory as one of God's messages.  It's not that I hate all science, but I don't like the ideas of the big bang and evolution.  [Whew.  Done with that.  I warned you guys.]
     Fourth period is after Silent Reading and Lunch [obviously, the order is of utmost importance to 7th-grade me.]  I have Mrs. Sims for Geography.  I don't like her; I already told you why.  Geography class for this part of the year is teaching us about latitude, longitude, plates, currents, axis, and all that good stuff.  Yay!  (Yeah right.)
     Fifth period is P.E. with Mrs. Dickens.  Mrs. Dickens is black.  She's also really funny; she works us really heard though, because it is like 100 degree weather out there, and my uniform really stinks now.  [TMI, Chrissy.  T...M...I.]   Mrs. Dickens is a little wide [hahaha!], I have to admit, but she doesn't act like it's a problem, like when fat people waddle.  [Sometimes I seriously question where I come up with this stuff.]
     In sixth period, I have Mrs. Wilks!  She is the most wonderful teacher in the world; that's what she tells us to tell her.  She has a really great sense of humor, that is the best class I've ever been in, even if it's after P.E., and my face is red and really hot.  Mrs. Wilks used to go to school with my Aunt Bonnie, and she has blond hair that was "touched by the sun."  Her hips are a little wide [a physical characteristic I have come to appreciate now that I'm older and suffer from the same condition], but she is really great.
     7th period is Mrs. Green.  She is obsessed with ladybugs and her son.  [No joke.  It was actually kind of creepy the way she talked about him.]  She has really feathery brown hair and is a little chubby.  She gets mad about the stupidest things, but is always really nice other times.
     Eighth period is Mrs. Johnson again.  When we come in, we have to do Bellwork.  It's usually riddles or word problems for the brain, probably because that class is Critical Thinking!  [I don't miss a thing, do I?]  Anyways, those are my teachers for school.

[Enthralling stuff, right?]