Friday, November 4, 2016

Graveyard Love Affair - Circa 2000

Her hair blew round her face,
Making a veil of gray.
She placed a single rose on the grave before her,
As a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Shrouded in the morning mist,
A drop of dew gently kissed her forehead,
Reminding her of the love that had fatally
Departed from her life so long ago.

Dead leaves fluttered beneath her feet,
A perfect and ironic representation
Of the events in her life leading up to the present.

Fingers as cold as Death himself traced
A path across the unpolished remains
Placed amidst ghostly tombstones
That were erected sorrowfully by mourning relatives
Of those who lived long ago.

As another pearl of grief seared her porcelain skin,
Like acid rain on a sunny day,
She bade her lost love farewell for the final time
On Earth, until she would see him again
On the golden streets of Heaven.


  1. This is really beautiful. Was this an assignment or just something you did?

    1. I actually used to write letters to my grandparents in NM, and they would mail back $5 each time. So this was my attempt at getting a higher fee for one of the letters. Lol (and before you ask, it didn't work) :P

    2. Hahahahahaha! That is a fantastic story.
